only Fully Finished Apartment
ቦሌ: አትላስ 22,748,000
2 Beds / 2Baths / Maids’R / 10Floor / 188sqm
➢የሚገኘው አትላስ አካባቢ ሲሆን ቤቱ ያለበት ህንፃ G+10 ሆኖ የተሰራ እና ከ1 እስከ 3 የንግድ ቦታ ነው።
➢ ህንፃው ለነዋሪው የሚሰጠው አገልግሎት 1 ቤዝመንት መኪና ማቆሚያ ፣ የከርሰ ምድር ውሃ ፣ ጄኔሬተር በውስጡ ይዟል።
➢በወለልም 3 ቤቶች ብቻ ናቸው ያሉት።
➢130,000 ብር ሲከራይ ነው የከረመው!
➢ዲጂታል ካርታ አለው።
➢ካሽ ወይም 50% ከፍሎ ቀሪውን በባንክ ማድረግ ይቻላል።
Only Fully Finished Apartment
Bole: Atlas 22,748,000
2 Beds / 2Baths / Maids'R / 10Floor / 188sqm
About the house...
➢ It is located in the Atlas area and the building where the house is located is built as G+10 and has 1 to 3 commercial spaces.
➢ The building has 1 basement parking, underground water, generator.
➢ There are only 3 houses per floor.
➢ 130,000 birr was spent on rent!
➢It has a digital title deed.
➢Cash or 50% can be paid and the balance can be paid in bank.
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