ለሸያጭ የቀረበ G+6 ሕንጻ ብስራተ ገብርኤል ላፍቶ ሞል አካባቢ
🚩ህንጻው 190ካሬ ላይ ያረፈ
🚩ፊኒሺንግ የሚቀረው
🚩6 አባወራ
🚩በፍሎር አንድ ቤት ብቻ(3 bedroom & maids room)
🚩ግራውንድ ፍሎሩ ሙሉ ፓርኪንግ ነው
Offered for sale G+6 building in Basrate Gabriel Lafto Mall area
🚩 204 square
🚩 The building rests on 190 square
🚩 Finishing is left
🚩 6 households
🚩 Only one house per floor (3 bedroom & maids room)
🚩 The ground floor is full parking
🚩 Price: 125 million
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